Wi-Fi 6

What is Wi-Fi 6?

Wi-Fi 6 is the next-generation standard in Wi-Fi technology. Technologists often use the terms "AX Wi-Fi," "Wi-Fi 6," and "802.11ax" interchangeably. Wi-Fi 6 builds and improves on the current 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard.

There are four advantages to Wi-Fi 6:

  1. Speed

  2. Network efficiency

  3. Power Consumption

  4. Security

The Wi-Fi 6 standard allows for 9.6 Gbps, an almost 30% increase from existing Wi-Fi benchmarks. But the real magic of the standard is routers can communicate with more devices at ONCE. With Wi-Fi 6, routers can send data to multiple devices (simultaneously in the same broadcast) while keeping connections robust even as data consumption increases. As networks are loaded with more devices, the speeds might not be better, but overall, all end-users will have a better user experience.

A great new added functionality is how Wi-Fi 6 handles transmissions. New Wi-Fi 6 routers have a built-in "communication calendar" of sort. This reduces the TIME the router needs to keep its antennas powered up to send and receives signals, thus reducing power consumption. At scale, this can have a long-term effect on both the electrical grid and the total cost of ownership.

Not to be overlooked, the new Wi-Fi 6 standards will include the latest security WPA3 protocol. WPA3 makes it much tougher for hackers to crack passwords by persistently guesstimating, and it makes some data less useful even if a hacker successively attains a password.

Market application:

Municipalities: Wi-Fi, Sensors, lighting, waste management

BID's: Wi-Fi, Sensors, Lighting, and Security

In-Building: Enterprise, 5+ devices, Smart Home/office application like temperature, cameras, and HVAC