Living on the Edge

Living on the Edge

Today, most applications used by city residents and visitors to BID’s, sits on the cloud operating from server “farms” across the country. Although most end-users don’t see the inherited latency as the data travels between the cloud servers and their mobile devices, most cities are keenly aware of the latency and the impact it has on public safety services like connectivity, security cameras and download and uploading mission critic files.

Municipalities and Business Improvement Districts have an opportunity to improve the efficiencies and effectives of applications and servers by implementing edge computers, edge servers to reduce latency and add services while generating revenue. 

Given the municipalities and BID’s have existing assets, and partnerships with property owners—they can become micro host of edge servers allowing city services and application, and consumer applications to function for a fee. The fee is used to invest back into core services (clean, safety and connected services), redundancy and or to support local businesses with marketing initiatives. 

Muni’s and BID’s need to start thinking how they can expand their existing infrastructure. Edge server and Edge computing extends the possibility for mission-critical and time-sensitive decisions to be made faster, more reliable, and with greater security, all for a fee. 

For the past year, Sky Packets has been implementing edge servers into specific cities and BID’s to help provide a better mobile experiences and generate different revenue streams. If you would like to learn a bit more and how we might be able to assist your BID and Municipalities click below!